Thursday, March 29, 2007


See, I was sure that mystefaction, or mystifaction, or some correct spelling, was a proper word. A word commonly understood by intelligent English speakers, almost synonymous with mystification, but with slightly different associations and contexts. It is an established part of my vocabulary. I would have happily used it at any appropriate juncture, in a sentence such as "To Lady Henrietta's myst*faction, the under gardener did not explain his previous rudeness, but instead began to dance a foxtrot upon the onion beds". In fact, I was just about to use it, in my diary, in a less interesting sentence. But Word and google both tell me it is not a word.

How can that be? The foundations of my understanding of the universe are crumbling! Help! Send words of comfort! Or dictionaries! (Which do, being comprehensive after all, contain words of comfort).

In the meantime, I suppose 'bewilderment' will have to do. Bah.


At 1:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the salmonella has clearly fried your huge and complex brain honey

At 1:13 pm, Blogger Eloise said...

Mmm, huge and complex brain, I like it...

But bloody hell though, purefaction is not a word either. Apparently. These are necessary words in the English vocabulary, goddamit!

Dictionaries, what do they know?


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