Peculiar things that my mind does when I’m in my office, #2
Some while ago I amused myself by seeing how many strange and fantastical—but recognisable—varieties of stickman I could think up. I drew cat-stick-people, stickmen with wings, antennae and space helmets, stickmen juggling, dancing and standing on their heads, stick witches, angels and devils, stick conjurers with top hats and magic wands (Figure 1). Harmless fun for all the slightly more eccentric members of the family.
Then no more stickmen until the other day, when I suddenly thought about pregnant stickmen and how you would draw one. And had no choice but to experiment. The results are shown in figure 2; I still haven’t decided on the ideal method. (The second one is sitting down with her back to us, by the way, rather than being tortured.)
Pregnancy is a very strange physical phenomenon, when you consider it in stickmen terms.
Then I thought about stickmen with other physical oddities, such as broken limbs (Figure 3). Also very odd, if you are only a stick.
Which all drew me with the inevitability of my own peculiar logic to consider Siamese stickmen (Figure 4). I was excited by the almost endless possibilities for these, but my enthusiasm was curbed after two by the incipient stirrings of some regard for taste. Only stirrings, mind.
My final stickman is a many-armed god (Figure 5). I think it may in fact look like a horrible accident in the genetic engineering lab, involving some spider DNA. Back to the drawing board….

Genius! You have just single-handedly rescued me from my deadly dull non-descript desk job. As of Monday, I shall be drawing stick men...
For some reason, when I am playing "click through Wikipedia", I always end up on the page about conjoined twins. It's like some kind of law of nature. I am glad to see that they fall into someone else's brain too... makes me think maybe I'm not quite as mad as all that.
Hello ariel, and welcome - you're my first unknown (non-spam) commenter! I have a feeling I should be getting round to writing my profile, making a blogroll etc... Hope you are enjoying the drawing of stickmen. Stickmonsters is another possibility that has just occured to me. Ooh, the possibilities...
LJ, you amuse me strangely. I have an unhealthy fascination with Siamese twins, so am possibly not the best yardstick. Must go and check out that Wikipedia page...
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