Sunday, February 25, 2007

We would like to apologise for the delay to this service.

I’m sorry for all the blog posts I haven’t written (yet). I’m very sorry for being unforgivabley late in replying to a number of emails (rather than just, you know, very late as usual).

For the last week or so I have done none of the many pleasant (communicative) or useful (stuff-sorting) things that I really ought to have done earlier anyway. I am up to my eyeballs in an a work thing that is very large, very tedious and very important.

It is part of a thing upon which a million dollars more or less of funding could hang. Which means no buggering-up room for me. And, given that I have also been busy with a lot of other things recently, it means lots of working twelve-hour days and working at the weekend.

I think anyone who’s ever met me could tell you that such does not come naturally. Consequently am cracking up rather, both physically and mentally. There is a kind of Zenlike calm which comes of knowing you really don’t have time for anything except work, food and washing up, so you don’t have to worry about anything else (such as unwritten emails, to pick an example out of the air…), but I’ve never been all that keen on Zenlike calm. Especially when accompanied by an Enormous amount of stress…

I have a week left to go before the deadline, during which I fully expect to be going mental. But I do remember about all the emails, and I would much rather be writing meandering blogrubbish. Sorry.


At 11:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with it honeybunch. I'm sure millions of dollars couldn't be in better hands .)
Looking forward to talking once you're out of the work tunnel.
j x

At 12:41 pm, Blogger vp said...

Hello dear! This is not a comment to this post, it's just to say that I arrived to your blog!!!
I haven't explored it yet, but I'll do it soon!
(and by the way... thank you for the postcard you sent me from spain, almost a year ago... I have no excuse for this delay in answering back, but I really like it and I haven't forgot you)
Lots of love


At 1:04 pm, Blogger L, a Londoner said...

*soothing noises*
Poor Eloise, you sound mad stressed but I'm sure you'll be fine, and think of how good you will feel when the deadline is over.
Not really in a position to give vibes of strength as I'm under the soporific effects of the Brasilian heat....

At 11:23 pm, Blogger Eloise said...

J & L - thank you very much for the support. Your messages cheered me up in my hours (and hours) of darkness. Though J, whilst I appreciate your faith in my hands as suitable receptacles for millions of dollars, it is clearly born more of affection than realism! L, I have been avidly following your Brazilian adventures (reading them was a treat in the midst of my mad stress). I have lots of (as yet) unmade comments - pineapples have seeds?! (Ahem, yes, I'm a trained biologist...)

Vania, amazing to hear from you! Let's be in touch xx


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