Thursday, April 12, 2007

My new favourite shop

I had a proper crap day yesterday. One of the things about it was having to go out and do some shopping when I was dead tired and had a load of other things to be doing.

But this made me smile:
I got sucked into a little bootleg CD/DVD(/pizza – but I don’t think the pizzas are bootleg) store (shop, damnit, shop) that I must’ve walked past but haven’t been in before. Which sort of thing is why I have to go out again today, but I have a bit of a CD-buying problem. ’Svery compulsive.

I was just perusing one of the cardboard boxes of CDs when a man from the shop started shifting me and the table it was on over to one side, and I realised that someone was revving up his motorbike in the back room (not a delivery bike I think, just this guy’s bike). And he drove it through the shop, between the counter and all the CDs, and out the front door.

I love that this is normal and logical.

In the same shop, I joined their loyalty scheme. Which involves me having a handwritten number on a piece of luminous card (587), and the nice lady writing down all the things I buy in one of several tattered notebooks, and me getting free things if I buy lots of other things. I have a feeling it might just work on me…


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