Thursday, April 17, 2008


The boy I want (and adore) doesn't want me. Or rather, he doesn't want to ruin things because we are friends. Which is to some degree a kinder way of saying the same thing. He is probably right but I wish he wasn't.

I am listening to Placebo's "Without You I'm Nothing" on a loop and wondering how I can possibly do any work. Which I realise is overdramatic, but I am feeling rejected and overwhelmingly alone and unequal to carrying on being me.

I want to go home, and I have no idea where that is. Except that briefly I felt like I was there in his arms. Meanwhile I laugh in the face of things and try to stop my face from crumpling, except when no-one's looking, so that we can still be friends.


At 4:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fully and horribly feel your pain - it hurts lots and it's not will get past it though.

At 1:39 pm, Blogger Eloise said...

Thanks James. I know... we are great survivors. It just sucks.

At 9:33 am, Blogger L, a Londoner said...

Time heals...blah blah blah...nothing anyone can say will help at all, but I know how it hurts, and I'm sorry for you - hugs.


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