Thursday, May 03, 2007


Three of the past four days we've lost power for big chunks of time. We had an email about this today, explaining that one of those occasions was because we got directly struck by lightning (!) and that they are working on how to minimise the disruption in the future.

Now part of me was thinking, Oh, but candles are fun. And their light is alive. And it is good to feel the storm and be part of the world, not just to carry on business as usual. Just like grown-ups! - like when it snows and all the grown-ups are complaining about the roads, and not being filled with wonder by it all and wanting to make snowmen and have snowball fights and gaze at trees with every tiny branch delicately iced.

And the other part of me was being a perfidious grown-up, and thinking it would be good for the things in my freezer compartment not to keep melting, and never not to have the internet and lights just like that.

I have a feeling that the grown-ups are slowly winning.

Down with grown-ups!


At 5:01 am, Blogger Z said...

I feel exactly the same, except that my inner child still has the upper hand. I still make a snowman every winter, even if there is no child to hand to do it with.


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