Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sturm und drang

This afternoon:
The sky darkens gradually from misty white to deep, swollen grey. A wind comes up from nowhere. The thunderstorm begins. Lightening cracks again and again, like there’s a whip-happy cowboy up there with white light to play with. The sky echoes with explosions. It rains and rains.

I have seen so much lightening here, more storms than I have in the past several years I think.You get rather blasé about it. And getting wet I don’t like. And the building pressure, the dark skies, the intensity of the storm, the rain and rain, they make me a bit all-over-the-place and crazy.

But I do like the storms. Thunder and lightning and rain on windows. They chase the people away like ants, and they are overwhelming and awe-inspiring and frightening… and I do like them, yes.

Oh, the power’s just gone out. I shall light candles and enjoy the rain.

It is lovely.


Power (and therefore internet) is back. It is very quiet outside. I suppose I should be grateful for the food not anymore defrosting in my freezer compartment... but, candlelight and slowly-falling darkness and silence, it is very good to have those things imposed sometimes.


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