Friday, April 27, 2007


In the last couple of weeks or so, the weather has definitely taken a turn for the warmer here, and we seem to have left the cold half of the year. So I’m not going to bitch about it. Sure, it is also now the rainy half of the year, and it almost always in the part of the day that is after you have left the office and before it is dark. On the other hand, when it is not raining I love the long, light evenings, with kids riding their bikes about the houses, and a summery feeling in the air.

But, all the grey clouds and the FOG in this weather forecast made me smile - more like home than how one imagines weather in Mexico:

I wouldn’t say it was foggy myself, just a little misty and cool, with a blank white sky, and the birds singing seeming a little melancholy, rather than joyful as they do when the sun shines. I rather like it.

I shall think of home, and sing in the rain.

Or possibly just play volleyball in it, if it starts raining anytime soon. (We did that last week, played on as the drizzle started and then the thunder and lightning. Then when the heavens opened we ran for cover and beers like cockroaches when you turn the light on. Brilliant).


At 10:49 am, Blogger Yegritos said...

Muy interesante

At 9:44 am, Blogger L, a Londoner said...

I like the way that they put the phases of the moon on the weather forecast. Also impressed at your insertion of screen shots into your blog, I've never learnt how to do that!

Though I have only been to one Latin American country, and it's technically on a diffrent continent to Mexico, I'm not really qualified to make generalisations, but still, when I was in Brazil there were some spectacular storms, and also more lightning than I've ever seen before (they call it "rays" in Portuguese, which is rather picturesque for some 10 billion volt electrical doom), and some of it was purple, which I'm not sure is even possible.

Enjoy the storms. Send some our way, the current dryness is worrying for plants, gardens, allotments and all things that rely on them. Except slugs. They can all die.

At 2:26 am, Blogger Eloise said...

Hola Yegritos!

I like that you are impressed Laura, but screenshots is dead easy and I do it in quite an unsophisticated way. On most keyboards there is a little button which says 'print screen' (on my laptop it is shared with the insert button, so you have to press fn + prt sc, but it comes to the same thing); you just press that and then you can paste it into any normal application. I just copied it into Paint and trimmed it up. Now you have to think of something better than me to do with it!

I believe bolts of lightning are also called rays (rayos) in Spanish. It seems a bit inadequate to me, really. And I do like the word lightning - even though I can't always spell it!


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