Saturday, January 27, 2007

Merry Unchristmas and a Happy Newish Year

I am, once again, not dead. Though I may well be the World’s Worst Blogger.

I have been in one of my hermit phases recently, curling myself up like a hedgehog. I think I’m going to have to accept that sometimes I just am a hermithog and I should stop beating myself up about it.

So, Christmas was great—though it seems a long time ago now—but it came far too quickly and took me unawares, and the two-and-a-half weeks I was at home went far, far too quickly. So I’m very sorry if I should have been in touch and wasn’t. In my head it’s still about November.

Since I got back I have been battling with jetlag, the horrendous shock of going back to some particularly horrendous work, tiredness due to my general and insane inability to sleep, homesickness, and a particularly malevolent cold. This sounds like a bunch of excuses—which, frankly, it is—but I just haven’t had any words.

Now I seem to have words again, and stories to tell and things to ramble on about, so here I am, back, not dead but abjectly apologetic for being such as rubbish blogger.

In mitigation, allow me to direct you two life-enhancingly fabulous stories from a very non-rubbish blogger.

Back soon


At 1:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"ribbit" - genius. good to see you posting again E xx


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