Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Difficult question

I have been looking at a lot of job adverts recently - more than I would, in an ideal world, choose - generally for jobs in communications and allied trades with NGOs. This is, as you might imagine, mind-numbing. However, there is one going the rounds at the moment, and which I have seen several times, that is clearly trying to stand out from the crowd. It opens:

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

At first blush, this seems like quite a brilliant approach: attention-grabbing, inspirational, and so on.

But the thing is, I apply for jobs if they sound interesting and I am more or less qualified to do them (and there are precious few of those). The motivational qualities of the advert don't really make any difference.

The effect it DOES have goes like this...

"Oh GOD, I don't KNOW! What AM I going to DO with my life? Oh GOD, I don't KNOW!..." etc, until I am in full blown existential panic, wondering what I really want, what (if anything) I am really good at, what (if anything) will really make me happy, and so on.

Works every time. I think I prefer mind-numbing.


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