Friday, July 18, 2008


Nosey colleague: So, do you have a boyfriend in Mexico?
Me: Um, no.
NC: You don't like Mexican men?
Me: No I do like Mexicans! They just don't like me...
NC: (Thoughtfully) If I worked in the United Kingdom, I would like to have a girlfriend from there.
Me: Well, I guess it just depends what happens...

This conversation for the win! Except not. Wound, meet salt.

Luckily, as I waited interminably for the cashier to be free, along came another colleague, originally from Zimbabwe. We are on friendly terms but I wish I had got to know him more, as he is about one of the loveliest people to talk to I have ever met. We chatted easily and pleasantly about things - my plans, how much he liked living in Colombia, buying a guitar for his small son who desperately wants to learn. His enthusiasm for whatever he's talking about is infectious - he is clearly a man glad to be alive - but he's interested in you too. You walk away in a good mood and with a smile on your face, thinking what a wonderful chat you've had. I wish I was more like that - it's both inspiring and chastening.

Also luckily, I retain the ability to laugh out loud at dictionary entries:
Christhood n. the condition of being a Christ
Obviously, it's not actually that funny, but it was. I don't suppose it's a condition many of us have to worry about.

My favourite new word of the day, however, is:
bug-juice n. Slang 1. an alcoholic beverage, esp. of an inferior quality. 2. an unusual or concocted drink.
This word is perfect for me, since alcohol-wise the only things I like are sweet and fruity (some might say sickly) cocktails. From now I shall only ever be drinking bug-juice. Go on, ask me what I'd like to drink...


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