Thursday, December 06, 2007

Black humour

I was looking up the word for "to put down" in Spanish earlier, because I thought "the vet killed my hamster" was a bit too ambiguous.

It is "sacrificar". I found this immensely funny, that I would basically say "the vet sacrificed my hamster". Visions of black candles and white robes and so on.

Furthermore, sacrificar means (1) to sacrifice, (2) to slaughter, and (3) to put down - all the purposes for which you might choose to kill an animal, in fact - which amused me even further. "The vet slaughtered my hamster", anyone?

That's cleared up the ambiguity nicely.

Also today, we received the following email: "All staff is invited to attend a mass to celebrate the day of Virgin of Guadalupe on Wednesday 12 December, at the car repair shop, at 10:00 a.m.". It made me laugh out loud. Because, you know, a mass in a mechanic's workshop, it's funny.

My officemate thought I was really weird.

[PS, it's the lexical ambiguity I found funny about "sacrificar", obviously, not the fact of it. That's still sad, and not funny. I was afraid this post might make be sound callous, but I just have a rather strange, sometimes black, sense of humour. I am, after all, the girl who once laughed 'til she cried at a diagram of some moss.]


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