Wednesday, October 17, 2007

News, new to me

A home for elderly prostitutes in Mexico City. Their stories are very sad, but that this home now exists is a beautiful thing - and partly funded by the city government, which does seem to be, relatively speaking, remarkably enlightened:

Atrocities in Ethiopia. The use of the term 'insurgency' or 'insurgent' has a tendency to make me incandescent with rage; especially so here:

Good news for women everywhere... but not for another decade or so:
Really, it's appalling that no major conceptual advances in oral contraceptives have been made for more than half a century, but perhaps, given a medical and research establishment that has traditionally been - and to a large extent continues to be - male-dominated and blind to the needs of women, it's not all that surprising.

A crazy wonderful house in a Brazilian favela:
(Maybe not strictly News, but awesome!)


At 6:10 am, Blogger L, a Londoner said...

Oh man, I've been forwarding that Sao Paulo house everywhere, I think it's fantastic beyond anything. There aren't enough photos on the BBC however, I'd love a kind of distance shot. It must stand out from the usual kind of wasps-nest appearance that all favelas I've ever seen in Brazil have. So if you find any more, send the link my way please.

At 9:43 pm, Blogger Eloise said...

I agree... the photos leave something to be desired. You'll just have to visit next time you're in Brazil ;)


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