Thursday, March 27, 2008


Just to be clear, I don't think I ACTUALLY have bird flu. The chances are tiny.

It just sucks being (a) sick, (b) stuck at home on my own, and (c) potentially unable to go to Chicago.

I am actually feeling a lot better in myself, but I am stuck in a race to shake off the cough before, well, tomorrow, when I have to make a decision about the ticket.

This getting better lark is not helped by my complete failure to make myself work today, having put in a good solid 10 hours' pointless procrastination instead, which means I won't be able to get all the sleep I need tonight. I am, as ever, an idiot.

I would rather be:
1) making things out of felt. I have come over all crafty and want to be doing something with my hands.
2) reading The Railway Children. This morning I was filled with an overwhelming desire, nay need, to do this and nothing else. No idea why. Except it would be immensely comforting.
3) packing up my apartment. Hum, should probably explain this one....
4) blogging. Possibly about (3)
5) almost anything else, up to and including home trepanning.

But, I need to be working. Now. Here goes...


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